By Bryn Tannehill (2 books)
American Fascism:
How the GOP is Subverting Democracy
—because the writing is on the wall.
Everything You Ever Wanted
to Know About Trans
— because bad-faith arguments don’t
stand a chance against real facts.
By Paula Stone Williams
As a Woman:
What I Learned About Power, Sex, and the
Patriarchy After I Transitioned
—because understanding the trans
experience starts with listening.
By Kathy Baldock
Walking the Bridgeless Canyon:
Repairing the Breach Between the Church
and the LGBTQ Community
—because the weaponization of faith against
trans people needs to be challenged.
By Vincent E. Gil
A Christian Guide Through
the Gender Revolution
—because faith, science, and trans identities
are not mutually exclusive.
By Julia Serano (2 books)
A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the
Scapegoating of Femininity
—a foundational text for understanding
transgender politics and culture.
How Society Sexualizes Us, And How We Can Fight Back
—because Gender Critical ideology thrives
on sexualization and scapegoating.